Vastu Tips for Kitchen

Kitchen Vastu Tips

Table of Contents


Do you want to know about Kitchen Vastu Tips? So, now you are at the right place and your search ends here. We covered in this article 11 Vastu Tips for Kitchen for Your Residential and Commercial Premises.


What is the Kitchen

First of all, let’s define a kitchen. The kitchen is where your body and soul get food and nutrition or essential to every house. According to Vastu, every corner and direction of any premises impacts life, and there is also no difference from a kitchen perspective. Moreover, the kitchen has a direct relation to health.

The kitchen is also essential for cooking various foods, grains, spices, utensils, kitchen tools, cooking equipment, etc.

Making and maintaining the kitchen as well as possible is very important. Moreover, creating your kitchen with the best Vastu principles invites positive energy and abundance into your life. In addition, we have also shared some essential Vastu tips and things related to the kitchen, which you can read and apply in the kitchen of your premises.


Construction Time


The first thing is that if you are constructing your premises, it is essential to build the entire premises and the kitchen by following the rules of Vastu. Otherwise, in the future, you will face problems related to the kitchen, and you will have to repair, renovate and redesign your kitchen as per Vastu, which is why prevention is better than cure. In that case, if you want to construct your premises, it is essential to know the good or bad months for construction as per the Hindu calendar.


What are the Right Directions for the Kitchen?

Kitchen Right Directions
Kitchen Right Directions

There are five right directions for making a kitchen on any premises.

  1. South-East Direction
  2. South-South-East Direction
  3. South Direction
  4. North-West Direction
  5. West-North-West Direction

But ideally, build a kitchen in the South-East direction of your premises because in Vastu Shastra and Science, the South-East direction is a Fire Element, so that’s why the South-East direction is the best direction for making a kitchen in any premises.


What are the Wrong Directions for the Kitchen?

Kitchen Wrong Directions
Kitchen Wrong Directions

There are eleven directions for not making a kitchen on any premises.

  1. North Direction
  2. North-North-East Direction
  3. North-East Direction
  4. East-North-East Direction
  5. East Direction
  6. East-South-East Direction
  7. South-South-West Direction
  8. South-West Direction
  9. West-South-West Direction
  10. West Direction
  11. North-North-West Direction


What Are the Negative Impacts of Wrong Directions-Oriented Kitchens?

Kitchen Wrong Directions Negative Impacts
Kitchen Wrong Directions Negative Impacts

North to East Direction

According to Vastu Shastra and Science, never build a kitchen from the North to East direction of your premises.

The North to East direction is called a Water Element, so never include or make fire-related objects in the Water Element Area which means from North to East direction. Also, never merge Water with Fire and Fire with Water because they are not friends. They are enemies.

Making the kitchen in your premises North to East can cause health-related issues.

According to Vastu, the North direction is called the direction of opportunity, and if you build a kitchen in the North direction on your premises, then the kitchen becomes a hindrance to the opportunities that come to you and your family.

According to the Vastu, the North-North-East direction is called the direction of healing, so making a kitchen in the North-North-East direction can give you the worst results in your life.

According to Vastu, the North-East direction is called the direction of wisdom, so placing the kitchen in the North-East direction can cause health-related issues on your premises.

According to Vastu, the East-North-East direction is called the direction of Refreshment, so building a kitchen in the East-North-East direction can also cause health-related problems in your life.

According to Vastu, the East direction is called the direction of Association, so placing a kitchen in the East direction can harm your and your family’s social circle and disturb bonding.

South-West Direction

According to the Vastu Shastra, Never place a kitchen in the South-South-West, South-West, West-South-West and West Direction of the Premises. Moreover, placing a kitchen in these directions can lead to relationship issues, misunderstandings, instability, tension, depression, stress, disturbed skills, no savings, late marriages and fights between family members.


What are the Solutions for Wrong Directions Oriented Kitchen?

Kitchen Wrong Directions Solutions
Kitchen Wrong Directions Solutions

There are different types of solutions for kitchens located in the wrong directions, and if you apply all the solutions, you can almost balance the kitchen in the wrong direction of your premises.

Suppose the burner is in North, North-North-East, North-East, East-North-East and East direction, so place a Baroda Green Colour Stone below the burner.

Suppose the burner is in South-West and West-South-West directions so place a Yellow Colour Jaisalmer Stone below the burner.

Keep Baroda Green Colour Stone and Yellow Colour Jaisalmer Stone extra from the burner.


Kitchen Wall Colours As Per Vastu

Kitchen Wall Colours
Kitchen Wall Colours

Suppose the kitchen on your premises is in the South-East, South-South-East and South directions, which means it is in the fire element. In that case, red family colours like pink, brown, cheery, chocolate, maroon, crimson, burgundy and choral are suitable for the kitchen walls, as per Vastu. In addition, the red connects with the fire element, as per Hindu scripture. Similarly, according to Vastu, red family colours for kitchen wall colours provide happiness, luck and positive energy.

Never use Black and Blue colours because these colours are not ideal for the kitchen walls on any premises.

If you don’t want to use dark colours, use Off-White and Cream colours because these are neutral colours.


Kitchen Slab Materials & Colours

Never use Black Colour Granite Marble for the kitchen slab on any premises.


Kitchen Gas Stove / Burner Placement

Kitchen Gas Stove Placements
Kitchen Gas Stove Placements

The placement of the cooking stove has immense significance for the kitchen and Vastu Shastra’s perspective. Technically, the kitchen is a room with a cooking stove and gas. Moreover, place the Gas Stove / Burner in the South-East zone of the kitchen. In conclusion, what is the ideal face for keeping the burner in the kitchen? So, the best thing to do is to keep a Gas Stove / Burner facing towards the east direction.


Kitchen Sink Placement

Kitchen Sink Placements
Kitchen Sink Placements

What is the Best Placement Direction for a Sink in the Kitchen? The sink relates to a water element, and placing it in the North-East direction of the kitchen is very auspicious, as per Vastu.


Kitchen Storage Placement / Colours / Material

Kitchen Storage Placement / Colours / Materials
Kitchen Storage Placement / Colours / Materials

In Vastu Shastra, the South-West corner is called Naitriya Kona and is considered for storage. Moreover, the South-West corner means Naritriya Kona is best for storing heavy objects and items. In conclusion, make storage on the Southern or Western Walls instead of the kitchen’s Northern and Eastern Walls.

According to the Vastu Shastra rules, choose the same colour for the kitchen storage as the walls because, as you read above, the effect of colours is significant in Vastu. Hence, select the colour of the walls and storage of the kitchen the same. Moreover, doing this can save the kitchen from any Vastu faults.

According to Vastu, always use wooden material and fire-proof storage in the kitchen because Wood relates to the fire element. In conclusion, doing this can save you from harm and doesn’t affect the Vastu.


Kitchen Refrigerator / Fridge Placement

Kitchen Fridge Placement
Kitchen Fridge Placement

According to Vastu, keep the Refrigerator in your home’s North-West zone of the kitchen.


Modern Kitchen Appliances

Modern Kitchen Appliances
Modern Kitchen Appliances

We never advise keeping a microwave in the kitchen.

Modern kitchen appliances such as mixers and grinders are integral to our kitchen. In addition, keep all appliances in the East-South-East corner of the kitchen and never keep these appliances in the North-East corner.


Kitchen RO Placement

Kitchen RO Placement
Kitchen RO Placement

Water is the source of our lives, and the placement of drinking water is essential in the kitchen of the premises. In addition, keep the water bottles, R/O Purifiers, or other water-related vessels in the North to East area.


Kitchen Flooring

Kitchen Flooring
Kitchen Flooring

What are the best flooring designs for the kitchen? First, many flooring designs are available for the kitchen. But you don’t know? In addition, never use Chess Flooring, Box Flooring or Border Flooring in the Kitchen. In that case, use simple flooring to promote stability, prosperity and overall balance in the kitchen.


Do’s & Dont’s for Kitchen

Do's and Don'ts in Kitchen
Do’s and Don’ts in Kitchenl

Do’s for Kitchen

  1. Keep the kitchen well-lit and ensure ample natural light.
  2. Good lighting enhances overall energy and promotes a healthy and positive cooking environment.
  3. Good ventilation is essential, such as adding a chimney above the Gas Stove or placing an Exhaust Fan on the window; otherwise, you may suffocate while cooking.
  4. Keep the kitchen well-organized and clutter-free.
  5. Dispose of unused items regularly.
  6. As mentioned above, place a sink in the North-East direction of the kitchen to balance the water element. In addition, place a Sink and Gas Stove at least 3 feet 6 inches apart.
  7. If there is a termite infestation in the kitchen, cure termites with the help of pest control; otherwise, their results can prove fatal for you.
  8. If there is dampness in the kitchen, then cure the dampness because the presence of dampness in the kitchen can cause health-related problems.

Don’t’s for Kitchen

  1. Ensure the storage cabinets are in good condition because broken or malfunctioning cabinets may cause financial instability. 
  2. Never make a kitchen near the toilet and puja room or below the stairs.
  3. Never construct a toilet above the kitchen in the same building.
  4. Never put a mirror behind the gas burner in the kitchen.



Understanding the Vastu for your kitchen is as important as your life since your kitchen is the engine of your house and your life. According to Vastu, planning your kitchen design is crucial so you don’t get any vastu dosha and live a healthy and prosperous life. 

If you did your research well and constructed the kitchen as per Vastu, you might be fine; however, if you didn’t, you can consult with Geosols Vastu Experts.

You also watch the video Vastu Tips for Kitchen on our YouTube channel to better understand all the rules and principles related to the kitchen on the premises.

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