Basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023

Basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023

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What are the Basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023?

The basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023 involve principles of directional orientation, 5 elements, room placement, clutter-free spaces, colours and materials.

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architecture and design science, encompasses principles and guidelines for creating harmonious and auspicious living and workspaces. While the specific practices and beliefs in Vastu Shastra can vary among practitioners, here are some following fundamental principles:


What is Directional Orientation in Vastu Shastra?

Directional orientation in the Basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023 refers to the specific placement and alignment of a building or structure to the cardinal directions, namely North, East, West and South, as well as the sub-directions, such as North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West.

According to Vastu Shastra, each direction is associated with specific energies and elements, and the proper alignment of a building to these directions impacts its inhabitant’s overall well-being and success.

The directional orientation is an essential aspect of Vastu Shastra. Directional orientation aligning a building or structure with the correct cardinal and sub-directions can positively influence various aspects of life, including health, wealth, relationships and prosperity.

Vastu Compliance Design is an architectural and design practice based on the ancient Indian science of Vastu Shastra. In Vastu Shastra, the precise directional orientation of a building is determined based on various factors, including the plot’s location, the property’s shape, and the building’s purpose.


What is Room Placement in Vastu Shastra?

Room placement in Vastu Shastra refers to positioning rooms within a building or structure by the principles of Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and design. 

According to Vastu Shastra, the placement of rooms in a building can influence the flow of energy or cosmic forces. Therefore, it can impact the well-being and success of its inhabitants.

Here are some common considerations for room placement in Vastu Shastra:

  1. Main entrance: The main entrance of a building is an essential aspect of Vastu Shastra. The best direction for the main door is East or North, and it should be well-lit, clean and free of obstacles to allow positive energy to enter the building.
  2. Bedroom: The bedroom placement is crucial for the well-being because the main bedroom is in the South-west direction of the building. In contrast, other bedrooms should be located in the South to West directions.
  3. Kitchen: The kitchen is considered an important area in Vastu Shastra, associated with health and prosperity. Place the kitchen in the South-East or North-West direction of the building.
  4. Living/Drawing Room: The living room is the heart of a home, and the living room also affects the house’s overall energy and atmosphere. Place the drawing room in the East or North direction of the building with a well-ventilated and well-lit.
  5. Bathroom: The placement of toilets is also vital in Vastu Shastra. Place bathrooms in the North-West direction of the building, and avoid placing bathrooms/washrooms/toilets in the North-East or South-West directions.

These are some general guidelines for room placement in Vastu Shastra. However, it’s advisable to consult qualified professionals when applying room placement principles in Vastu Shastra in real-life situations.


What are Clutter-Free Spaces in Vastu Shastra?

Clutter-free spaces in Vastu Shastra refer to areas within a building or structure free from unnecessary or unwanted items, creating a clean and organized environment. 

According to Vastu Shastra, clutter can disrupt energy flow or cosmic forces. Therefore, it can harm the well-being and harmony of the inhabitants.

Here are some critical points about clutter-free spaces in Vastu Shastra:

  1. Cleanliness: Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of cleanliness in creating a positive environment. Regular cleaning and tidying up of spaces, including rooms, corridors and common areas, are essential for maintaining positive energy flow.
  2. Decluttering: Removing unnecessary or unused items, such as old furniture, broken objects or excess belongings, is a vital aspect of creating clutter-free spaces. Clutter develops stagnant energy and hinders the smooth flow of energy in a building, negatively impacting health, prosperity, and overall well-being.
  3. Organized Storage: Proper storage and organization are crucial in Vastu Shastra. Keeping things well organized in cabinets, shelves, and closets and avoiding haphazardly scattered items can help create a clutter-free environment and promote positive energy flow.
  4. Clear Pathways: Ensuring that pathways, corridors and entrances are clear and unobstructed is also essential in Vastu Shastra. Clutter or obstacles in ways can disrupt the flow of energy and create blockages, which may have adverse effects on the occupants of the building.
  5. Balanced Use of Space: Vastu Shastra encourages a balanced use of space, avoiding overcrowding or excessive accumulation of objects in a particular area. Maintaining a harmonious balance in using space and keeping it clutter-free is believed to create a positive and conducive environment for the inhabitants.

Creating clutter-free spaces using Vastu Shastra’s principles can enhance positive energy flow, promote well-being and create a harmonious and prosperous environment.


What is the Importance of Colours and Materials in Vastu Shastra?

Colours and materials play a significant role in Vastu Shastra, a traditional Indian architectural and design system to create harmonious and balanced living spaces. 

Here are some critical points on the importance of colours and materials in Vastu Shastra:

  1. Energy and Vibration: Colours carry specific energy and vibration frequencies that can impact the energy flow in a building. Vastu Shastra suggests using colours in harmony with the five elements (earth, fire, water, air and space) to create a balanced and positive environment.
  2. Psychological Impact: Colours can also psychologically impact human emotions and behaviour. Vastu Shastra recommends using colours that promote positive emotions and well-being, such as calming blues for bedrooms and vibrant reds for the kitchen to stimulate appetite and energy.
  3. Material Selection: Material selection in Vastu Shastra as different materials are associated with other elements and energies. Vastu Shastra also emphasizes using natural materials like wood, stone and clay because they impact positively.
  4. Balance and Harmony: Creating balance and harmony using colours and materials is also crucial in Vastu Shastra. The choice of colours and materials should complement each other and be in sync with the overall design and layout of the space to create a cohesive and balanced environment. Avoiding clashing colours or excessive use of a single colour/material is recommended to maintain harmony and balance.
  5. Personal Preferences: Vastu Shastra’s principles suggest using colours and materials that align with the affections and personalities of the individuals living or working in the area to create a nurturing and supportive environment that promotes well-being.

In conclusion, colours and materials are essential in Vastu Shastra and impact a living or working space’s energy flow, emotions and overall harmony.


What are the five elements of vastu?

As per Vastu, the world consists of five parts, also known as the ”Pancha Bhootas”. Our planet earth has life because of all these five elements. In other words, if these five elements are correct in position, any building will automatically be balanced.

The five elements in Vastu Shastra are earth, water, fire, air and space – which assemble our universe. Therefore, they create balance and harmony in the built environment.

  1. Earth Element: The element of earth represents stability and grounding. South and south-east are the directions associated with the earth element in Vastu Shastra.
  2. Water Element: northwest and northeast are the directions associated with the water element in Vastu Shastra. The element of water represents fluidity and movement.
  3. Fire Element: The element of fire represents energy, passion and transformation. Vastu Shastra’s fire element is associated with the south and south-east directions.
  4. Air Element: The element of air represents movement, communication and growth. According to Vastu Shastra, the east and northeast are the directions associated with the air element.
  5. Space Element: The space element represents expansion, potential and emptiness. Vastu Shastra associates the space element with the centre of a building and the upward direction.

Basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023 seeks to create a harmonious environment that supports the well-being of the inhabitants. 

The elements balance the various forces of nature and ensure that energy flow is positive and supportive.


What are the basic concepts of Vastu Shastra?

The concept of Vastu can be understood when you look at its many factors, such as:

All 16 directions in Vastu Shastra are:

  1. North (N)
  2. North-North-East (NNE)
  3. North-East (NE)
  4. East-North-East (ENE)
  5. East (E)
  6. East-South-East (ESE)
  7. South-East (SE)
  8. South-South-East (SSE)
  9. South (S)
  10. South-South-West (SSW)
  11. South-WestSouth-West (SW)
  12. West-South-West (WSW)
  13. West (W)
  14. West-North-West (WNW)
  15. North-West (NW)
  16. and North-North-West (NNW).

Materials used to make any building are high-yield steel, wood, stone, sand, cement and brick.

All building types are homes, houses, farmhouses, industries, factories, shops, offices, schools, colleges, institutes, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, malls, shopping complexes and cinema halls.

The concept of Vastu in 2023 involves living in a sacred place where our body, mind and soul are at peace with god. To achieve this goal, we should refrain from doing anything that could interfere with it.


What should we avoid in Vastu?

According to Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and design, certain things are generally considered inauspicious. However, here are some standard guidelines:

  1. Broken or leaking faucets, pipes or fixtures: Leaking water is believed to represent wastage and instability. According to Vastu Shastra, promptly fix any damaged or dripping faucets, pipes or fixtures.
  2. South-West Direction: Avoid South-West direction entry for any residential and commercial premises.
  3. Broken or unused items: Broken or unused items accumulate stagnant energy and create negativity in a space. Repair or discard damaged items and avoid keeping unused items unnecessarily.
  4. Mirrors facing the bed: Placing mirrors that reflect the bed in a bedroom is inauspicious in Vastu Shastra, as it creates disturbance and impacts sleep quality. Avoid placing mirrors facing the bed.
  5. Cactus or thorny plants: Cactus or thorny plants create negative energy, according to Vastu Shastra avoid keeping them inside the house.

In conclusion, it’s important that the Basics of Vastu Shastra in 2023 may vary among individuals. Therefore, consulting qualified professionals and using personal decisions when applying Vastu Shastra rules is advisable.



In conclusion, Vastu Shastra is a traditional Indian architectural and design system that emphasizes creating harmonious and balanced living spaces. Vastu is a holistic concept that has no separate area of application. It applies to all aspects of human life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

By following the basic principles of Vastu Shastra in 2023, one can make a supportive and energetically favourable environment that enhances the overall quality of life. However, it’s important to remember that Vastu Shastra is a subjective and cultural belief system. Therefore, its application may vary based on individual preferences and regional practices. Therefore, consulting a skilled Vastu expert or professional is recommended for the personalized tip.

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