Geosols Vastu Consulting Private Limited

Over Head Water Tank Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips for Over Head Water Tank


We welcome you to our guide on the Overhead Water Tank Vastu Tips.

As we all know, water is the source of our lives and nourishes every lifeform on earth. In Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of dwelling harmony, water holds immense power.

Water is one of nature’s Five Core Elements: water, air, sky, fire, and earth. Human bodies are also made from these five core elements. Thus, it’s vital to understand the material, spiritual, and practical value associated with water.

Head, Water Tanks are necessary for the modern era because we store water in them to fulfil our water requirements. But did you know that Overhead Water Tanks cause depression, anxiety, and tension?

Nowadays, everyone needs overhead water Tanks. Still, according to the Vastu Shastra, we have to be aware of Over Head Water Tanks Right and Wrong Directions, the Positive Impacts of Right Directions, the Negative Impacts of Wrong Directions, and Solutions for Wrong Directions on the premises. In addition, we discussed an overhead water tank, why it is essential, and how it works.


What is a Over Head Water Tank?

What is Over Head Water Tank?
What is Over Head Water Tank?

An overhead water tank is a big container or tank for storing water. Moreover, an Overhead Water Tank should be placed at an elevated height above the base level or on the premises’ roof to pressure the water allotment system, allowing for constant and reliable water flow to buildings, houses, and residents. In conclusion, Overhead Water Tanks provide a continuous water supply in residential spaces to fulfil daily requirements such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning.


Why Over Head Water Tank is Essential?

Why Over Head Water Tank is Important

We shall know their importance before discussing Vastu tips for Over Head Water Tank.

  1. Storing Water: Overhead water Tanks provide consistent water pressure throughout your premises. Moreover, gravity creates natural pressure by storing water at height, ensuring even flow to all taps and appliances.
  2. Backups: Overhead water Tanks are backups during municipal water supply disruptions and pump failures.
  3. Improved Water Quality: Overhead water Tanks allow for sediment and natural filtration by settling, removing impurities, and suspending particles before reaching your taps.
  4. Cost-Effective: Overhead water Tanks are cost-efficient because they provide long-term savings by reducing reliance on expensive pumps and avoiding penalties for exceeding municipal water usage limits.


How Over Head Water Tank Works?

How Over Head Water Tank Works
  1. Water Collection: Overhead water Tanks collect water for storage from various sources, such as Municipal Water Supply Lines, Water Bores, or Rainwater Harvesting Systems.
  2. Storage: The Over Head Water Tank is a waterhole where water is stored until needed. It is positioned at an elevated height above the ground level to create pressure in the allotment system.
  3. Gravity-Based Distribution: When a water outlet is opened, gravity allows water to flow from the Over Head Water Tank via the allocated pipes into the selected place. Similarly, the Over Head Water Tank’s height creates pressure in the pipes, driving the water flow to lower elevation points.
  4. Water Pressure Regulation: The water level in the Overhead Water Tank determines the pressure exerted on the issuance system. As water is drawn from the tank, the water level lowers, and the pressure reduces accordingly. Conversely, when the Overhead Water Tank is reloaded, the water level rises, and the pressure increases. Lastly, the water pressure ordinance assures compatible flow speeds and satisfactory force throughout the distribution network.


Over Head Water Tank Right Directions

Over Head Water Right Directions

According to the Vastu Shastra and Science Rules, the Right Directions for the Over Head Water Tank on any premises are the following:

  1. West Direction: The west is the best direction to install an overhead water tank because it is the zone of Varun Devta (the God of oceans and waters).
  2. West-South-West Direction: If the west direction is unavailable, place an overhead water tank in the west-southwest direction of the premises.
  3. Southwest Direction: According to Vastu rules, the best direction for the Primary Bedroom is the Southwest direction. In that case, ensure the bed in the Primary Bedroom does not align with the Over Head Water Tank in the Southwest direction. Moreover, a bed aligns with the Over Head Water Tank. You may experience heaviness in your head, tension and depression. In conclusion, leave at least a 6ft x 6ft area aside for the bed’s position on the roof of your premises.


Over Head Water Tank Wrong Directions

Over Head Water Tank Wrong Directions

According to the Vastu Shastra rules, never place an Over Head Water Tank on any premises in the following directions:

  1. North
  2. North-North-East
  3. North-East
  4. East-North-East
  5. East
  6. East-South-East
  7. South-East
  8. South-South-East
  9. South
  10. South-South-West
  11. West-North-West
  12. North-West
  13. North-North-West
  14. Brahamsthan (Premises Centre)


Over Head Water Tank Right Directions Positive Impacts

Over Head Water Right Directions

As per Vastu Shastra Rules, placing the Overhead Water Tank in the Right Direction, like West, West-South-West, or Southwest, can provide stability and balance to the premises.

Keeping the Southwest direction area Highest and Heavier and placing an Over Head Water Tank in Nairitya Kon perfectly balances the premises.


Over Head Water Tank Wrong Directions Negative Impacts

Over Head Water Tank Wrong Directions Negative Impacts

Ishaan Kon (North to East Direction): As per Vastu, never place a Head Water Tank in the North, North-North-East, North-East, East-North-East and East direction means Ishaan Kon of the premises. Moreover, putting an Over Head Water Tank in the Ishaan Kon can cause Health Related Issues and Depression in the family members of the household. In addition, placing an overhead water tank (OHWT) can heavyen the Ishaan Kon (north to east directions) area, which can imbalance the building.

Note: – According to the rules of Vastu Shastra, Keep the North to East area of any premises light, and if the Ishaan Kon is heavy, then the premises become unbalanced.

Most people make the mistake of keeping the Overhead Water Tank in the Ishaan Kon. Additionally, Ishaan Kon (North to East Directions) represents the Water Element, and the Overhead Water Tank also contains water, so people think that Ishaan Kon is the best area for placing an Overhead Water Tank on the roof of the premises.

Agneya Kon (East-South-East to South Direction): As per Vastu, never place an Over Head Water Tank in the East-South-East, South-East, South-South-East and South direction of the premises because these directions represent the Agneya Kon (Fire Element). Additionally, the Over Head Water Tank contains Water and Water and Fire Elements are natural enemies in the Vastu Shastra language. In addition, placing an overhead water Tank in the Agneya Kon (Fire Element) can increase the chances of Fire Accidents and provide Financial Crunches and Clashes between family members.

Vayavya Kon (West-North-West to North-North-West Direction): As per Vastu, never place an Over Head Water Tank in the West-North-West, North-West and North-North-West direction of the premises because these directions represent the Vayavya Kon means Air Element (West-North-West to North-North-West Direction). In addition, placing an overhead water tank in the Vayavya Kon can increase the chances of litigation and cause health problems for the household ladies.

Brahamsthan (Space Element): As per Vastu, never place an overhead water Tank in the Brahamsthan (Space Element) because it can increase Family Health Problems and cause Stomach-Related Problems.


Over Head Water Tank Wrong Directions Solutions

Over Head Water Tank Solutions

What are the solutions to the Wrongly Placed Overhead Water Tank? Well, there are no quick solutions to wrongly placing an Overhead Water Tank on any premises, so the only solution left is to shift it in the right direction.

Suppose you live in a single apartment and have many overhead water tanks installed on the roof of the building. If possible, shift your Over Head Water Tank in the right direction. In any case, if you convince your neighbours and owners to move all the Over Head Water Tanks in the West, West-South-West and Southwest directions, you will save yourself from many unwanted problems.

It is impossible to convince your neighbours and owners to shift the Overhead Water Tank. So you can share this blog with them.


RCC Water Tank

RCC Water Tanks are Reinforced Cement Concreted Water Tanks. In addition, the same Vastu rules apply to RCC Water Tanks as they apply to the Over Head Water Tank. Similarly, a big challenge while using RCC Water Tank is that algae accumulate in them, which is unsuitable for health. In that case, dismantling the RCC Water Tank is the best solution.

As per Vastu rules, keeping RCC Water Tanks in the wrong direction can cause many health-related problems and provide unwanted issues.

Over Head Water Tank Colours and Materials

Black is usually used for overhead water tanks during monsoon seasons because it absorbs sunlight, storing water and stopping algae growth.

Black also absorbs more light than other colours, minimizing the amount of sunlight that reaches the water. Colour Overhead Water Tanks are less likely to fade in the sun.



We have briefly guided you in choosing the right direction for placing an Over Head Water Tank on any premises. In addition, understanding Vastu principles maximizes your growth and diminishes your losses. Moreover, Head Water Tank placements prosper your life and help you live healthily. So you are just one step behind in solving them in your life.

Our Vastu Shastra tips, solutions and recommendations can help you with your life and business problems. Our Vastu recommendations are not random; our Vastu Tips are 100% true and tried-and-tested remedies and solutions. Over time, we have changed the lives of thousands of people, and we can do the same for you.

If you want to learn more about Vastu Tips for Over Head Water Tank, watch the video on our YouTube channel.

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